How to make a handpan/pantam (part 2/3)


How to make a handpan/pantam (part 2/3)

How to Make Handpans/Pantams(2/3)

Kita Pantam Company has aimed to release a series of articles to explain how to make Handpans/Pantams. These articles are monthly and will guide you to get familiar with the process of making these magical musical instruments. Every handpan/pantam maker employs sophisticated and special steps to create an instrument that sounds well. These steps in general consist of metal forming, heat treating, shaping, and tuning. In these series of articles, we are going to explain the steps that we go through to get your handpan/pantam ready. You can also find the first article of this series here; in this current article, we are going to describe the fourth and fifth steps which are pressing and shaping.

After the third step, we have to define the layout, notes and the scale of the instrument. 

Make a handpan

Define the Layout

Usually first, depending on the instrument’s scale, the notes are drawn on the inner side of the top shell (also on the bottom shell in case we are having bottom notes as well), to accurately find the right place of the notes to be pressed later. There are different sizes of molds that are used for pressing the notes. These molds have circular or oval areas with a whole in the middle. So using the proper molds, the notes are pressed, pressing will create dimples (A common term for the central, indented part of a note, so-called because of its shape) plus the tone fields (the flat, oval-shaped part of the note around the dimples). 


After these steps, you have the shells with almost the look of an instrument. Next is to fade out the lines around the Tone fields by hammering which can be done using hand hammers and also more commonly pneumatic hammers (pneumatic hammers are employed in KitaPantam workshop).

Shaping has many things in common with sculpting, and makers must be careful not over-shape the metal as it will eventually tear and reform the metal in a bad way.

After the shaping is done, shells are ready for the most important and critical step which is Tuning.

Next steps

 In the future, we are going to discuss the tuning step as well.. 

Kita offers shells that are all deep drawn and plasma nitrated for other makers. Also, we offer training courses for all the enthusiasts in exchange for buying high quantity shaped shells, which are required to start making your Handpans. We do not charge anything for the practical training sessions,  we just charge you for buying a minimum of 40 shaped shells which are critical for starting your own line of handpans.

Make a handpan

For more information, please visit our Makers Shop page or contact us at [email protected]

To be continued


Handpan Scales



Handpan/pantam scales

handpan scales

In general, we can divide the handpan scale into three different types, these are 1- Major 2-Minor 3-Flavourful in this article we are going to review these three types of handpan scales.

1-handpan scales : Major

We can define the major scale as a cheerful and happy scale, major scale handpans are relaxing and attract the player to play them often. Major scale handpans have a vast use in meditation and music therapy. These types of instruments are suitable for people who want to relax and feel joy while they are playing handpan.

2-handpan scales : Minor

Sad, classic, and sophisticated are words that you can describe minor scales with. A minor scale handpan is usually used to convey a deep feeling of mystery. If you want to feel emotion minor scale is what are you looking for but if you want to feel the joy you have to revise your decision.

3-handpan scales : flavorful

The flavorful handpan scale a combination of the minor and major scales but they are categorized individually because you can feel the role of culture in them such as middle eastern, Chinese, or Indian culture. Exotic and magical are words that suit well on a flavorful scale handpan.


Choosing which scale to buy or play is completely subjective and it depends on your mood and your personality. If you want more information about scales and another thing about handpan/pantam don’t hesitate to contact Us, you can also submit your order now by the kitapantam order page.

In the future, we are going to describe and discuss other pieces of information about handpan scales. Stay tuned 😊
