
Kita pantam

handpan maker kita pantam

handpan maker company KitaPantam (used to be KitaDrums), is a high quality Pantams/Handpans maker, was founded in late 2015 by Nima Taghavi, and began its work with the production of 12-inch steel tongue drums and research into the production of Pantams. After a while, with the change of the workflow, Steel tongue drums were replaced by stainless steel instruments and soon after, Tongue Pan (Overtone tongue drum) also added to the portfolio. At the end of 2017, KitaPantam succeeded in building Steel Pantams and is still expanding and improving its products since then. All instruments are handmade by Nima and the team of KitaPantam who are over 20 people now. KitaPantam is made with passion, work dedication and tend to perfection and wants to become one of the greatest Pantam makers in the world



Kita Deep Drawing Press Machine is developed, All the KitaPantam Shells are made using this machine, also shells are available for other makers to order (please visit Makers Shop Page)
Experience Outstanding Quality and Full Uniformity with the New Kita Shells

Handpan Maker – Kita Pantam

Watch How KitaPantam is Made, for more videos please visit our YouTube Channel.

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